On occasion, our product endorsements may include a special type of link to the vendor’s site, known as an affiliate or referral link. In essence, if you purchase a product through our link, we receive a token of appreciation in the form of a commission from the vendor.

This commission might be a modest amount or a bit more substantial. It could be a one-off payment or a recurring one — for example, if you subscribe to a service with a monthly fee, we may receive a portion of that fee.

But the key point to remember is this — there’s no extra cost to you. The commission is entirely funded by the vendor, not by you.

We need to make it clear that our recommendations are never based on potential commissions; that would be unethical.

Instead, we endorse products that we have personally tried or those that come with strong recommendations from reliable sources and we want to ensure we’re serving your best interests.

To help you identify affiliate links, we’ll clearly mark them with (affiliate link).

For example, here’s how we denote an affiliate link to Siteground, our suggested web hosting service:

Hostinger (affiliate link)

Please note that some older posts may not have affiliate links marked as distinctly as this. Therefore, it’s wise to assume that any external product link could potentially earn us a commission.

Thank you for visiting our website.